Our Goal

Help us bring young people who stutter together and help them become the best versions of themselves. Our 2024 goal is to raise $30,000. The money will be used to scholarship 12 young adults who stutter to be a part of the Clonakilty Stuttering Leadership Exchange in 2025.

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Nolan Stuttering Foundation

We hope you will consider making a donation to the Nolan Stuttering Foundation.  Our staff is completely volunteer, receiving no compensation for their work. 100% of the money goes to children and young adults who stutter as well as creating educational platforms  to help the world learn more about stuttering. Our 2024 goal is to raise $30,000. The money will be used to scholarship 12 young adults who stutter to be a part of the Clonakilty Stuttering Leadership Exchange in 2025.
The Clonakilty Stuttering Leadership Exchange is a specialized program designed for people who stutter (aged 13-23) hailing from the United States and Ireland. The program promotes personal growth, acceptance, and leadership skill development through a structured introduction to Irish sports, team building exercises, cultural immersion, supportive workshops and story shares. The uniqueness of this program extends past the benefits of cultural immersion by identifying and equipping future leaders, who happen to stutter, with the tools necessary to succeed in life.

Tax Information: The Nolan Stuttering Foundation is a 501 (c)(3) non profit organization. All contributions are tax deductible.

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Donation Total: $75.00